Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Nelson Mandela Was Chosen by God

Today I dedicated my prayers and meditation to the life of my beloved brother in struggle, Nelson Mandela. When I first heard him speak and read his words about freedom, justice, equality, pride, discipline, dignity, and love, I knew that Nelson Mandela had been chosen by God. From the time of his birth to this very day he strives to survive having dedicated his life to freedom, justice, and love.

I can feel the love that comes from his heart to this day, because it is the same love that I feel for humanity.  It is about freedom, justice, and love, and I know that these qualities in life will come about because they are gifts from God bestowed from the time of our creation.  They can never be denied for they are given only by God.

I pray for Nelson Mandela, and I thank God for freedom, justice, and love – qualities for which he suffered and gave his life.


Ramsey Muniz



Thursday, June 20, 2013

This Love Shall Overcome

We need the assistance of United States Congressmen, National Hispanic and Latino organizations, individuals from our spiritual churches and the masses of humanity so that one day I can be free once more.
I am the man that I am today, yesterday, and tomorrow because of the spirituality in my heart and soul. I have been able to overcome twenty years of oppressive and hard imprisonment like no other prisoner in this United States of America, yet I have become spiritually stronger like never before.
Our movement for our freedom has to be spiritual. This is the message that I constantly receive during my daily prayers and meditations everyday, when I kneel right in the middle of the institutional yard to be alone with God.
I have never ever felt so strong and powerful in all phases of my life, and the love that I possess for humanity is unreal. My heart and soul are full of love and with this love we shall overcome.
Ramsey Muniz