Sunday, October 28, 2012

God Blessed Me Because of My Suffering

Your father states that because of continuous suffering and pain like no other human at this time, God has bestowed a blessing upon my heart and soul like I have no idea and for those reasons I keep sharing with you that I feel like a brand new kid that just came into this world and life. He states that God, Jesus Christ, La Virgin de Guadalupe and all our spirits are coming forth like never ever before not only so that I can be free, but most importantly so that the entire family can be free. He states that it is time for me to get close to Mom and to embrace her and to be next to her at all times (I told you in previous messages that there was certain feelings in my heart and soul about Mom and that our Mother Hilda kept confirming those feelings).  Those that embrace you and seek your love will know immediately the feelings of God and the power of spirituality for soon the entire world is going to know about being shackled and chained and at times naked in cold dark dungeons that were finally shut down forever because of inhumane cruel and unusual punishment and that I survived that for three years. I came out seeking God, Jesus Christ, La Virgin de Guadalupe, and our spirits who could not come to me at that time because God wanted for me to be what He was seeking in this world. Your father states that I have so much love in my heart that those who come close to me will immediately know that I have been blessed like never ever before. I love you very much and I know that we will be successful in everything that we do in order to bring about not only my freedom but the freedom of mom and the freedom of the family like never ever before. I knew from the first time that I gazed into your heart that it was meant to be and that you were God sent to my heart and soul. I will be back for I am finally going out and will be praying and meditating.
